Concrete Work
As a regional leader in self-perform concrete construction, R.C. Construction Services is a cost effective and quality driven subcontractor, providing high quality concrete subcontracting services at a reasonable cost to our industry partners and Construction Managers.
Services include:
- Tilt-up Construction – from school gymnasiums, to warehouses, offices, retail and manufacturing, our Tilt-up specialists handle every aspect of the job from initial estimating through completion.
- Poured in Place Concrete – our team skillfully delivers projects ranging from small customized concrete signs to large multi-story structures, along with concrete columns of all configurations.
- Footings and Slabs – we are fully capable of completing a wide range of light commercial projects, construct foundations and slabs on multi-function retail commercial centers, self storage facilities, movie theatres, restaurants and home improvement centers.
- Structural Concrete – we have experience in a wide range of projects, including large grain silos, communications tower foundations, concrete building retrofit, and heavy machinery foundations with zero-tolerance accuracy.
- Site Concrete – including curbs, gutters and sidewalks, along with decorative concrete installations.